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Birkas: AtjautībasExeFlashKvestiPiedzīvojumiPoint and ClickPuzzlesŠoviSpēles
Līdzīgas spēles: Vortex Point 4Escape 3D The JailRiddle TransferThe Visitor ReturnsMonkey Go Happy: ChristmasHaunted House Tours 2Zee and the Alien MachineCody's Nightmare VacationScene of the Crime: Dream of MurderJerry's Merry ChristmasMurphys Law 6StoneAge SamVersus Ohrustenny QuestCrazy Hangover 2Skip Around The World Finland SuomiLike Vampire Like SonVortex Point 3Kingdom of Liars 3Murphys Law 5 (Gesetz)Killer Escape 2 The Surgery